Week 25 Laid Low with Covid
Not much this week. We had to close the business. A few more in the family have it as well - the last sister standing, Greethilda, has been doing the shopping for us... Just for something to do - I watched the Queen's Birthday Footy (again!!) . Surprising just how comforting Boeke has been. At least I was able to look after Janny for a couple of days - we're now a week later and she is slowly on the mend. She tested positive on Sunday and I was positive on Tuesday - I'm sure I have a nastier version than she had :-). I went to bed at 2000hrs on Friday night - the news on the TV was about the Abortion/Supreme Court decision in America. All I could say to Janny was "that's the least of their problems". Must have been that thought that woke me up at 0300hrs - remembering being a kid in the schoolyard at Ringwood Primary School (65 years ago) being taught how to do some medieval "folkdancing" - scarred me for life!....but the real point on my mind was ...