Week 25 Laid Low with Covid

Not much this week. We had to close the business. A few more in the family have it as well - the last sister standing, Greethilda, has been doing the shopping for us...

Just for something to do - I watched the Queen's Birthday Footy (again!!) . Surprising just how comforting Boeke has been.

At least I was able to look after Janny for a couple of days - we're now a week later and she is slowly on the mend. She tested positive on Sunday and I was positive on Tuesday - I'm sure I have a nastier version than she had :-).

I went to bed at 2000hrs on Friday night - the news on the TV was about the Abortion/Supreme Court decision in America. All I could say to Janny was "that's the least of their problems".

Must have been that thought that woke me up at 0300hrs - remembering being a kid in the schoolyard at Ringwood Primary School (65 years ago) being taught how to do some medieval "folkdancing" -  scarred me for life!....but the real point on my mind was "imagine if that had been an active shooter drill"???It really is beyond comprehension that they seem powerless to do anything about it.

And our gas price went up again. 

Only one walk per day...



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