Week 43 The New Chook Shed
Gas Prices "Every mild week in winter is a God given," an EU official quipped when speaking to EUobserver on condition of anonymity. On Friday, it was 20 C - we haven't had the central heating on at all yet. Our gas company keeps putting up the monthly pre-payments - we can only hope that we at least break even when the yearly calculation is made. I mowed the grass yesterday - unthinkable this far into October - and expecting 20 C again today. My walk this morning... More or less at peace with the world on my 72nd Birthday! My Sunday Roast Lamb and lemon cheesecake are not going to be spoilt by the war or energy prices! The gerrymandering in the USA, however is even more of a worry. They'll probably take the rest of the world down with them, unfortunately. This week discussing the book Laboratories of Autocracy by David Pepper https://alfranken.com/the-al-franken-podcast Water Tales Over the last couple of weeks there have been some terrible incidents involving the w...