Week 8 Make that 3 storms in a row!
Diesel Prices On Wednesday I had to fill the "bus" (our white Trafic van). The self-serve pump has a limit of €125,00 - I reached that before I could fill it!! That's a first for us - it is usually around €105-108... A "gap" in the system. We've had several enquiries about taking on extra kids - boys in particular. Janny has good instincts about what is going on at the moment. There used to be a fairly severe or at least a higher level of care for some kids - in other words, the more difficult or troublesome. But, due to Government cutbacks, the previous "investment" or money paid at this level, is no longer available. So, a lot of the institutions where it seemed to belong, have simply stopped providing the service. We had a case of two brothers going to come to us. The head of the placement agency described them as "charming little angels" (not really, but words to that effect). Part of the procedure is that we get sent their "doss...